- Smith, R. K. et al. "Arcus: exploring the formation and evolution of clusters, galaxies, and stars" Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 12181, id. 1218121 (2022)
- Smith, R. K. "The Arcus soft x-ray grating spectrometer explorer" Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 11444, id. 114442C (2020)
- Smith, Randall K. et al. "Arcus: the soft x-ray grating explorer" Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 11118, id. 111180W (2019)
- Smith, R. K. et al. "Arcus: Exploring the Formation and Evolution of Clusters, Galaxies, and Stars" Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 10397, id. 103970Q (2017)
- Smith, R. K. et al. "Arcus: the x-ray grating spectrometer explorer," Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 9905, id. 99054M (2016)
- Smith, R. K. et al. "Arcus: an ISS-attached high-resolution x-ray grating spectrometer," Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 9144, id. 91444Y (2014)
- Butler Contreras, A. et al. "X-ray absorption lines in the warm-hot intergalactic medium: probing Chandra observations with the CAMEL simulations," Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 519, Issue 2 (2023)
- Bregman, J. et al. "Hot Extended Galaxy Halos around Local L* Galaxies from Sunyaev-Zeldovich Measurements," The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 928, Issue 1 (2022)
- Brickhouse, N. et al. "An Arcus view of stellar space weather," Astronomische Nachrichten, Volume 343, Issue 4 (2022)
- Donahue, M. et al. "Baryon cycles in the biggest galaxies," Physics Reports, Volume 973 (2022)
- Dorigo Jones, J. et al. "Improving blazar redshift constraints with the edge of the Ly α forest: 1ES 1553+113 and implications for observations of the WHIM," Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 509, Issue 3 (2022)
- Gu, L. et al. "Detection of an unidentified soft X-ray emission feature in NGC 5548," Astronomy and Astrophysics, Volume 665, id.A93 (2022)
- Huber, M. C. & Bregman, J. N. "The Hosts of X-Ray Absorption Lines Toward AGNs," The Astronomical Journal, Volume 163, Issue 6 (2022)
- Liu, H. et al. "Rapidly alternating flux states of GX 339-4 during its 2021 outburst captured by Insight-HXMT," Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 513, Issue 3 (2022)
- Mao, J. et al. "R-matrix Electron-impact Excitation Data for the H- and He-like Ions with Z = 6-30," The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, Volume 263, Issue 2 (2022)
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- Rogantini, D. et al. "TPHO: A Time-dependent Photoionization Model for AGN Outflows," The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 940, Issue 2 (2022)
- Rogantini, D. et al. "The multi-epoch X-ray tale of I Zwicky 1 outflows," Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 516, Issue 4 (2022)
- Stierhof, J. et al. "A new benchmark of soft X-ray transition energies of Ne , CO2, and SF6: paving a pathway towards ppm accuracy," The European Physical Journal D, Volume 76, Issue 3 (2022)
- Štofanová, L. et al. "Galaxy cluster photons alter the ionization state of the nearby warm-hot intergalactic medium," Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 515, Issue 3 (2022)
- Trueba, N. et al. "A Spectroscopic Angle on Central Engine Size Scales in Accreting Neutron Stars," The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 925, Issue 2 (2022)
- Das, S. et al. "The Hot Circumgalactic Medium of the Milky Way: Evidence for Supervirial, Virial, and Subvirial Temperatures; Nonsolar Chemical Composition; and Nonthermal Line Broadening," The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 918, Issue 2 (2021)
- Gastaldello, F. et al. "The Metal Content of the Hot Atmospheres of Galaxy Groups," Universe, Volume 7, Issue 7 (2021)
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- Costantini, E. et al. "X-ray extinction from interstellar dust. Prospects of observing carbon, sulfur, and other trace elements," Astronomy and Astrophysics, Volume 629, id.A78 (2019)
- Ogorzalek, A. "Probing the physics of AGN feedback with high resolution X-ray spectroscopy," PhD Thesis, Stanford University (2019)
- Bilalbegovic, G. et al. "Tetrahedral hydrocarbon nanoparticles in space: X-ray spectra," Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 476, Issue 4 (2018): 5358-5364
- Danehkar, A. et al. "The Ultra-fast Outflow of the Quasar PG 1211+143 as Viewed by Time-averaged Chandra Grating Spectroscopy," The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 853, Issue 2 (2018): 165-181
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- Brenneman, L. W. et al. "The evolution of structure and feedback with Arcus," Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 9905, id. 99054P (2016)
- Heilmann, Ralf K. et al. "X-Ray Performance of Critical-angle Transmission Grating Prototypes for the Arcus Mission,"The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 934, Issue 2 (2022)
- Heilmann, Ralf K. et al. "Flight-like critical-angle transmission grating x-ray performance for Arcus"Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 12181, id. 1218116 (2022)
- Heilmann, R. et al. "Manufacture and performance of blazed soft x-ray transmission gratings for Arcus and Lynx", Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 11822, id 1182215 (2021)
- Huenemoerder, David P. & Heilmann, Ralf K. (2021) Chapter 12: Critical Angle Transmission Grating Spectrometers. In D. Burrows (Ed.) The WSPC Handbook of Astronomical Instrumentation, Volume 4: X-Ray Astronomical Instrumentation. World Scientific.
- Garner, A. et al. "CAT grating alignment and testing for soft x-ray polarimetry," Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 11444, id 114445Z (2020)
- Heilmann, R. et al. "Towards volume manufacturing of high-performance soft x-ray critical-angle transmission gratings," Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 11444, id 114441H (2020)
- Burwitz, V. et al. "X-ray testing at PANTER of optics for the ATHENA and Arcus Missions," Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 11180, id 1118024 (2019)
- Collon, M. et al. "Status of the silicon pore optics technology," Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 11119, id 111190L (2019)
- DeRoo, C. T. et al. "arcusTrace: modular raytracing software for the Arcus x-ray spectrometer," Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 11116, id 111161F (2019)
- Garner, A. et al. "Component testing for x-ray spectroscopy and polarimetry," Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 11118, id 1111811 (2019)
- Heilmann, R. et al. "Demonstration of resolving power λ/∆λ > 10,000 for a space-based x-ray transmission grating spectrometer," Applied Optics, Volume 58, issue 5 (2019)
- Heilmann, R. et al. "Progress in x-ray critical-angle transmission grating technology development," Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 11119, id 1111913 (2019)
- Keek, L. et al. "Stacking of mirrors for silicon pore optics," Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 11119, id 111190H (2019)
- Salmaso, B. et al. "BEaTriX (Beam Expander Testing X-ray facility) for testing ATHENA's SPO modules: advancement status," Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 11180, id 1118026 (2019)
- Song, J. et al. "Characterizing profile tilt of nanoscale deep-etched gratings via x-ray diffraction," J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 37, 062917 1-8 (2019)
- Burwitz, V. et al. "AHEAD joint research activity on x-ray optics", Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 10699, id 106993T (2018)
- Günther, H. M. et al. "Ray-tracing Arcus in phase A", Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 10699, id 106996F (2018)
- Heilmann, R. K. et al. "Blazed transmission grating technology development for the Arcus x-ray spectrometer explorer", Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 10699, id. 106996D (2018)
- Salmaso, B. et al. "Progress in the realization of the beam expander testing x-ray facility (BEaTriX) for testing ATHENA's SPO modules", Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 10699, id 106993I (2018)
- Song, J. et al. "Metrology for quality control and alignment of CAT grating spectrometers", Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 10699, id 106990S (2018)
- Bavdaz, M., et al. "The ATHENA telescope and optics status," Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 10399, id 103990B (2017)
- Collon, M. J., et al. "Development of ATHENA mirror modules," Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 10399, id 103990C (2017)
- Günther, H. M., Frost, J., & Theriault-Shay, A. "MARXS: A Modular Software to Ray-trace X-Ray Instrumentation," The Astronomical Journal, Volume 154, issue 6 (2017): 243-248.
- Günther, H. M. et al. "Performance of a double tilted-Rowland-spectrometer on Arcus,"Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 10397, id. 103970P (2017)
- Heilmann, R. K. et al. "Critical-angle transmission grating technology development for high resolving power soft x-ray spectrometers on Arcus and Lynx,"Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 10399, id. 1039914 (2017)
- Song, J. et al. "Scanning laser reflection tool for alignment and period measurement of critical-angle transmission gratings,"Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 10399, id. 1039915 (2017)
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- Günther, H. M. et al. "Ray-tracing critical-angle transmission gratings for the X-ray Surveyor and Explorer-size missions," Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 9905, id. 990556 (2016)
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Posters and Presentations
- Tripp, T. (2023, Feb. 21-24). "Turbulent Literature Mixings (TLMs): Steps Toward Testing Theoretical Frameworks for the CGM" [PowerPoint presentation]. Oases in the Cosmic Desert: Understanding the Structure of the Circumgalactic Medium Meeting, Tempe, Arizona.
- Hall, J. et al. "X-Ray Transits of the Exoplanet HD189733Ab", AAS High Energy Astrophysics Division meeting #19, id. 110.63. Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, Vol. 54 (2022)
- Heilmann, R. et al. "Soft x-ray diffraction efficiency and record resolving power of critical-angle transmission gratings for Arcus," AAS High Energy Astrophysics Division meeting #19, id. 108.48. Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, Vol. 54 (2022)
- Smith, R. & Arcus Team. "Arcus — Exploring the formation and evolution of clusters, galaxies, and stars," AAS High Energy Astrophysics Division meeting #19, id. 108.47. Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, Vol. 54, (2022)
- Huber, M. C. & Bregman, J. "The Hosts of X-Ray Absorption Lines Toward AGNs," American Astronomical Society meeting #238, id. 116.05. Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, Vol. 53 (2021)
- Smith, R., Arcus Team. "High Resolution X-ray Spectroscopy of Diffuse Emission," American Astronomical Society meeting #236, id. 116.04. Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, Vol. 52 (2020)
- Smith, R., Arcus Team. "The Arcus Soft X-ray Grating Spectrometer Explorer," American Astronomical Society meeting #235, id. 373.07. Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, Vol. 52 (2020)
- DeRoo, Casey T. et al. "Curved X-ray Diffraction Gratings for Two Element Spectrometers," American Astronomical Society, HEAD meeting #17, id.109.40 (2019)
- Garner, Alan et al. "Component Testing for X-ray Spectroscopy and Polarimetry," American Astronomical Society, HEAD meeting #17, id.109.41 (2019)
- Li, Miao & Tonnesen, Stephanie. "Impact of Supernovae-driven Outflows on the Circumgalactic Medium and Its X-ray Properties," American Astronomical Society, HEAD meeting #17, id.108.03 (2019)
- Moraga Baez, Paula et al. "Constructing a User Interface for the Alignment of CAT Gratings," American Astronomical Society, AAS Meeting #233, id.157.05 (2019)
- Ogorzalek, Anna. "Probing the physics of AGN feedback with high resolution X-ray spectroscopy," American Astronomical Society, AAS Meeting #233, id.213.02 (2019)
- Ogorzalek, Anna et al. "Constraining the power of X-ray winds: a Bayesian approach," American Astronomical Society, HEAD meeting #17, id.106.22 (2019)
- Smith, Randall. "Arcus, The Soft X-ray Grating Explorer," American Astronomical Society, HEAD meeting #17 id.109.65 (2019)
- Wolk, Scott J. "High Energy Exoplanet Science in the Next Decade and Beyond," American Astronomical Society Meeting #234, id. 208.03. Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, Vol. 51 (2019)
- Bregman, Joel N. et al. "Detecting Hot Gaseous Halos of Galaxies with Arcus," American Astronomical Society, AAS Meeting #231, id. 237.17 (2018)
- Brenneman, Laura and the Arcus Collaboration. "Arcus: Black Hole Feedback Science," American Astronomical Society, AAS Meeting #231, id. 237.19 (2018)
- Brickhouse, Nancy S. et al. "Stellar Astrophysics with Arcus," American Astronomical Society, AAS Meeting #231, id. 237.20 (2018)
- Heilmann, Ralf and the Arcus Team. "Transmission Grating and Optics Technology Development for the Arcus Explorer Mission," American Astronomical Society, AAS Meeting #231, id. 355.26 (2018)
- Kaastra, Jelle and the Mrk 509 Team. "Deciphering AGN outflows with joint UV and X-ray observations," American Astronomical Society, AAS Meeting #231, id. 106.01 (2018)
- Smith, Randall and the Arcus Collaboration. "Arcus: An Overview of the Soft X-ray Grating Explorer," American Astronomical Society, AAS Meeting #231, id. 237.18 (2018)
- Smith, Randall K. et al. "AtomDB Progress Report: Atomic data and new models for X-ray spectroscopy," American Astronomical Society, AAS Meeting #232, id. 217.02 (2018)
- Valencic, Lynne and the Arcus Team. "Arcus: Observatory Science," American Astronomical Society, AAS Meeting #231, id. 237.21 (2018)
- Wilms, Joern et al. "Arcus end-to-end simulations," American Astronomical Society, AAS Meeting #231, id. 237.22 (2018)
- Bregman, Joel N. et al. "The Extent of Hot Gaseous Galaxy Halos," American Astronomical Society, AAS Meeting #229, id.144.11 (2017)
- Heilmann, R. et al. "Soft x-ray transmission grating spectrometer for X-ray Surveyor and smaller missions with high resolving power," American Astronomical Society, AAS Meeting #229, id.238.32 (2017)
- Smith, Randall K. & Arcus Collaboration. "Arcus: Exploring the Formation and Evolution of Clusters, Galaxies, and Stars," American Astronomical Society, AAS Meeting #230, id.117.15 (2017)
- Bregman, J. et al. "Detecting the Missing Metals and Missing Baryons Through X-Ray Spectroscopy," American Astronomical Society, HEAD meeting #15, id.402.06 (2016)
- Smith, Randall K. "Arcus: Exploring the Formation and Evolution of Clusters, Galaxies, and Stars," American Astronomical Society, HEAD meeting #15, id.302.03 (2016)
- Smith, R. K. & Arcus Collaboration. "Arcus: An X-ray Grating Spectroscopy Mission," American Astronomical Society, AAS Meeting #227, id.147.28 (2016)
- Bookbinder, J. A. "Arcus:An X-ray Grating Spectrometer on the ISS: Mission Overview," American Astronomical Society, HEAD meeting #14, id.116.19 (2014)
- Smith, Randall. "Arcus: The next generation of high-resolution X-ray grating spectra," 15 Years of Science with Chandra (2014)
- Smith, Randall K. "Arcus: A Low Cost and High Capability X-ray Grating Spectrometer on the ISS," American Astronomical Society, HEAD meeting #14, id.116.18 (2014)